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Village of Queen Charlotte to Restore Original Haida name in move that could be seen elsewhere in B.C.

Publisher: The Province
Posting Date: May 18, 2022
Year Published: 2022
The Village of Queen Charlotte is a provincial government step away from being renamed, or rather having its name restored, to the ancestral Daajing Giids.

Village council voted unanimously Monday to write the province to request the name reversal. Pronounced “daw-jean geeds,” it translates as community hat.

“I feel this is the right thing to do,” Kris Olsen, the village mayor, said. “The Haida have a stewardship law called tll yahda and it means to make things right and that’s what our council is doing, we’re making it right.

“There was really no rule book for us, but we followed appropriate Haida Gwaii protocols as well as local government rules we’re legislated to follow.”

The Haida Gwaii village is the second municipality in B.C. to consider a name change after being approached by First Nations. Powell River, at the suggestion of the Tla’amin Nation, sought public input this spring about changing the name of that city.

Local Government(s):
Full Text Word Count: 1658
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