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Original Sidney art by WSANEC artist recognizes legacy, presence of Saltwater People

Author: Depner, Wolf
Posting Date: May 31, 2022
Year Published: 2022

New seasonal banners in downtown Sidney featuring art by WSANEC artist Sarah Jim capture not only memories of the past, but also hope to send a signal about future relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

Instead of emblazoning its seasonal banners with a photo as in past years, Sidney commissioned Jim for a piece of public art. The image, divided across two banners, consist of a crab holding a crescent moon amidst an eel grass meadow, as well SENCOTEN name for the area SET,TINES as well as the word Sidney. A total of 64 pairs of banners with the two components line Beacon Avenue and also on some side streets between Fifth Street and Seaport Place.

The incorporation of SENCOTEN also points to the historical and continuous presence of WSANEC People, also known as the Salt Water People, in the area.

Mayor Cliff McNeil-Smith said in a statement to Black Press that it is exciting to see original art by the talented Jim so prominently displayed on Sidney’s seasonal banners.

“The artwork celebrates the ocean and serves as a beautiful reminder that our community lies within the traditional territory of the WSANEC people whose presence and connection to these lands and waters continues today and has since time immemorial,” he said.

He added that the municipality is committed to strengthening its relationship with local First Nations, pointing to policies in the draft official community plan, which include exploring the creation of traditional and medicinal gardens in municipal park lands in collaboration with WSANEC communities and working together on a memorandum of understanding to guide government-to-government relationships, he added.

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