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Major Squamish First Nation Housing Development One Step Closer to Reality

Publisher: CBC News
Posting Date: May 25, 2022
Year Published: 2022

Squamish Nation and City of Vancouver sign services agreement for Sen̓áḵw development in Kitsilano.

A major housing project on unceded Squamish territory took another step forward Wednesday as the City of Vancouver agreed to allow developers access to critical infrastructure, such as sewage and transportation.

The Squamish First Nation's Sen̓áḵw housing development will be built on 11 acres of land at the foot of the Burrard Street Bridge in Vancouver's Kitsilano neighbourhood, and will be home to 6,000 residential units. 

Squamish spokesperson Sxwíxwtn (Wilson Williams) says the project will generate billions of dollars for the First Nation. 

Leaders from the Squamish Nation and from the city described the agreement as an act of reconciliation, something Vancouver mayor Kennedy Stewart says he strives to achieve in his role.

"Vancouver now strives to become a true city of reconciliation, and today is another step in that direction," he said during a press conference Wednesday.

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