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Vanderhoof Culture Centre Officially Open

Author: Parhar, Aman
Posting Date: July 4, 2022
Year Published: 2022

It was a bright sunny day on Thursday (June 30) when the District of Vanderhoof and its partners unveiled the Vanderhoof Cultural Centre.

“It’s so exciting,” Vanderhoof Mayor Gerry Thiessen said. “It will be a focal point for our community that will really allow us to celebrate our history, our past. And as I said, it’s also going to be a place for reconciliation. This is a great day for Vanderhoof.”

Through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure stream, the federal government contributed $780,000 and the province contributed $520,000. Through Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Diversification Infrastructure Program a total of $250,000 was contributed towards the visitor centre components of the project.

There are other stations inside the Centre with artifacts received from Saik’uz First Nation.

MLA John Rustad said, “This is great to see. I remember having initial conversations with the Mayor with regards to a log building next to Bednesti. Saik’uz had a log building there, and he thought maybe we could move that in here and have that as the Cultural Centre. They spent a couple of years looking at that, but decided that a new building was needed. I am just thrilled for the community and for the relationship between Saik’uz First Nation and Vanderhoof. It’s a great way to showcase art, culture. It’s fabulous to see.”

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