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Changing Climate, Changing Communities: Guide and Workbook for Municipal Climate Action

Publisher: ICLEI Canada
Posting Date: January 1, 2010
Year Published: 2010
This resource is a compendium of three components: a main guide, a workbook, and information annexes. The main guide provides a step by step approach to climate change adaptation planning using five milestones:

Each section includes the purpose and outputs of the milestone phase, case studies and things to consider, as well as linking to the accompanying workbook and information annexes, and concludes with a summary of where the local government should be at the conclusion of the phase. 

The accompanying workbook consists of a series of worksheets designed to walk planning staff through the five milestone process outlined in the guide. These include sample tables, to sample Council resolution or policy language, to press release templates. They range from simple conceptual mapping to more complex adaptation and risk analysis frameworks.

The information annexes outline related resources(from regional climatic changes, to adaptation options, and other related material)to assist planners moving through the process.

Upon completing the five milestone process outlined in the guide, a local government will have created a robust climate change adaptation plan, and will have a process for monitoring and updating the plan to ensure it remains relevant to the community’s changing adaptation needs.
Full Text Word Count: 9672
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