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Flood Hazard Area Land Use Management Guidelines

Posting Date: January 1, 2018
Year Published: 2018
The provincial guidelines are intended to help with the development and implementation of land-use management plans and subdivision approval decisions for flood hazard areas. They are useful for local governments, approving officers and land-use managers.

The guidelines aim to reduce or prevent injury, human trauma and loss of life, and to minimize property damage during flooding events. It outlines ways in which decision-makers can manage flood hazards on a broad or area-wide basis using plans, bylaws and standards; details the importance and application of flood plain mapping information; and describes provincial requirements for different types of flooding hazards and different land uses commonly found in B.C. The guidelines include how and where flood protection measures can be applied to bylaws and decisions including bylaw modifications; links to on-line flood plain maps; requirements for flood plain setbacks and constructions levels; and standards surrounding protection works. In the absence of more site-specific studies or information, these guidelines are the recommended provincial minimum requirements for land use management in flood hazard areas
Full Text Word Count: 4441
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