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How Much Habitat is Enough?

Posting Date: January 1, 2013
Year Published: 2013
The document provides science based information and guidelines related to natural systems and biodiversity. Four natural systems are explored in detail: wetlands, riparian areas, forests, and grasslands. Guidelines and parameters are provided for each natural system, such as:
  • targets (e.g. 75% of stream length should be naturally vegetated)
  • percent retention or cover (e.g. 40% of historic watershed wetland coverage should be protected and restored)
  • setbacks, buffers and protection zones
  • shape and diversity
  • restoration goals
  • proximity to other natural systems
  • where to protect and restore
  • fragmentation and corridors
  • location and patch size
  • habitat quality
The guidelines are intended to assist decision makers in setting restoration targets and restoration project locations, as well as a science based reference for natural heritage practitioners.
Full Text Word Count: 8997
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