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Taking Action on Green Resilience: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Synergies

Publisher: ACT
Author: ACT
Posting Date: January 1, 2017
Year Published: 2017
This report draws together content and conclusions from a workshop entitled “Taking Action on Green Resilience” hosted by ACT, SFU and the consulting firm Green Resilience Strategies (GRS) at the 2017ICLEI Canada Livable Cities Forum in Victoria, BC. The workshop brought together 40 public and private sector climate change practitioners from across Canada with expertise in urban planning, municipal policy, energy systems, buildings, engineering, and communication. This report provides examples of GR measures, summarizes key benefits, provides insights on how to identify, fund and implement GR opportunities, and recommends new or updated research, analysis, technical assistance, incentives, and regulations identified by participants as necessary to advancing GR practices.
Full Text Word Count: 4844
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