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Central Coast Regional District Reconciliation Statement

Posting Date: August 11, 2022
Year Published: 2022
The Central Coast Regional District is committed to continual engagement and meaningful efforts in the ongoing and often complex process of Reconciliation.  The CCRD shares overlapping jurisdiction with and within the traditional and unceded territories of the Heiltsuk NationNuxalk Nation, and Wuikinuxv Nation, as well as the Kitasoo/Xai'Xais Nation and Ulkatcho Nation.

CCRD’s reconciliation efforts are guided by the principles enshrined in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls To Action, the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.  Just as importantly, efforts are also guided by continuous improvement of 1:1 and government-to-government relationships at the community level, including but not limited to:

  • acknowledging and condemning the historical genocide of Indigenous peoples of the Central Coast through smallpox forced sequestration of communities to reservations and residential schools, suppression of traditional governance, legal customs and land and stewardship responsibilities, the denial of human dignity and human rights, and other means as detailed extensively in Canadian royal commission reports;       
  • acknowledging the ongoing and continuing systemic colonialism and genocide of Indigenous peoples still occurring in our region, Canada, and the world today;
  • acknowledging and working to change ongoing oppression of and racism towards indigenous people in our region;
  • engaging in opportunities for collaboration between CCRD and local Indigenous peoples;
  • acknowledging and honouring the colonial governance structure of Chief and Council, and the traditional governance structure of hereditary chieftainship;
  • open communication and transparency of decision-making;
  • encouraging, modelling, and promoting inclusive behaviour by CCRD staff and elected officials;
  • requiring cultural competency training for staff and elected officials;
  • continuous creation and improvement of policy via an inclusive lens;
  • affirmative action hiring policies and practices.

CCRD is a colonial government established in 1968 by the Province of British Columbia, and acknowledges and honours the fact that Indigenous peoples in the Central Coast region, and throughout what is now called Canada, are sovereign nations and have been governing themselves since time immemorial.  

Full Text Word Count: 1165
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