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Pitt Meadows Adopts Official Community Plan

Posting Date: October 12, 2022
Year Published: 2022

Pitt Meadows City Council has unanimously adopted a new Official Community Plan (OCP) after extensive engagement with the q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) First Nation, residents and stakeholders over the past four years.

“This newly adopted OCP will ensure that the City continues to take critical steps forward in building a community that will make us all Pitt Meadows Proud™,” says Mayor Bill Dingwall. “On behalf of Council, I want to extend our sincere thanks to everyone that provided feedback. I want to acknowledge the tremendous amount of detailed work undertaken by staff in developing this professional, interactive and easy-to-use document that will serve as a touchstone as we move forward.”

The OCP sets out goals, policies, guidelines and land-use designations to ensure that Pitt Meadows will continue to grow in positive ways that reflect the vision for the community. I See Pitt Meadows 2040 sets out the following four new policy areas: Reconciliation & Relationship Building with q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) First Nation; Community Well-being, Climate and Energy, and Hazard/Emergency Management. Other priorities include: development of complete communities along transit corridors, the preservation of farmland, additional transportation initiatives, fostering employment as well as enhancements of heritage sites and natural areas.

“The OCP is a significant achievement for the City and sets out a guiding vision for Council, residents, and staff that will help to shape economic, transportation and neighbourhood planning for years to come,” says Chief Administrative Officer Mark Roberts. “This is a major update from the previous 2008 OCP when the community was experiencing very different changes and challenges.”

The OCP process began in 2018 and involved extensive public engagement, technical analysis, and stakeholder input. Throughout the development of the OCP, the City engaged residents, the q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) First Nation, businesses, and stakeholders through a wide-ranging process that involved 23 surveys, 15 events and workshops, community open houses, public hearings, and more.

Visit pittmeadows.ca/ocp for more information and to read the Official Community Plan.

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Full Text Word Count: 2646
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