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ʔaq̓am & City of Cranbrook Councils Explore Common Priorities, Goals At Recent Joint Meeting

Publisher: Cranbrook
Author: Cranbrook
Posting Date: November 22, 2023
Year Published: 2023
ʔaq̓am Nasuʔkin Joe Pierre and Council, along with Mayor Wayne Price and Council of the City of Cranbrook met together on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, to discuss and explore common goals and priorities of both communities.

The day-long session allowed leadership to begin to address several important strategic priorities, common between both Cranbrook and ʔaq̓am, with a focus on safety and security, housing, water and infrastructure and language and culture.

“The strength of the ʔaq̓am community lies in the character and resilience of its people. In our roles as Nasuʔkin and Council, we are accountable to the ʔaq̓am community. The well-being of our community is our priority. In actively building a strong relationship with the City of Cranbrook, we can look toward an era of positive change for our Communities,” says Nasuʔkin Joe Pierre.

“This was a very positive and constructive meeting, one that I think has started laying the foundation for our communities to work together and focus on the important issues that we all share,” says Mayor Wayne Price. “I am looking forward continuing this journey together.”

It is important for both communities to continue walking the path of reconciliation together, building a respectful relationship based on meaningful dialogue and discussions, while focused on the goals and priorities important to both communities.

Both communities are committed to working together, and have agreed to hold scheduled Council to Council meetings starting in 2024 with a focus on solidifying relations and finding ways of collaboration between ʔaq̓am and the City of Cranbrook.

This joint community building effort is a key goal of the Regional Community to Community (C2C) program, graciously sponsored by the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM). The C2C program is designed to help increase understanding and improve overall relations between First Nations and local governments, supporting dialogue to build relationships, support reconciliation efforts, and help resolve issues of common interest or concern.

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Full Text Word Count: 1555
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