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Guide for Bylaw Development in Farming Areas

Posting Date: October 19, 2017
Year Published: 2017
The guide offers standards for developing and amending bylaws affecting farming areas in BC and provides general information to address other agricultural planning issues. The standards were created to promote consistency among local governments in the treatment of farming activities and to minimize conflict around agricultural uses. Specific information on Qualified Environmental Professional requirements in establishing setbacks from watercourses is also provided.
The guide outlines the following for farming areas and the Agricultural Land Reserve:
  • Permitted uses
  • Off street loading and parking
  • Minimum lot sizes
  • Lot coverages
  • Siting and size of residential uses
  • Height limitations
  • Setbacks
  • Temporary farm worker housing
  • Greenhouses 
Setbacks are intended to help prevent nuisance conflicts, protect natural resources, and safeguard health. Farm bylaws provide additional tools to address operational matters aimed at enhancing land use compatibility, promoting environmentally sound practices and supporting industry long term sustainability.
Full Text Word Count: 9059
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