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Cities Adapt to Extreme Rainfall Celebrating Local Leadership

Posting Date: February 7, 2018
Year Published: 2018
This document features 20 case studies from across Canada that illustrate how communities are better addressing the risks associated with extreme rainfall. The case studies include:
  • Victoria: Reducing Inflow and Infiltration
  • Quebec City: Persistent communication to homeowners
  • Ottawa: Mandatory backwater valves on storm and sanitary laterals
  • Kitchener/Waterloo: Sustainable stormwater funding system
  • Surrey: Mandatory replacement of sewer laterals
  • Toronto: Mandatory downspout disconnections
  • Saskatoon: Incentive for installing backwater valves
  • Moncton: Backwater valve incentive program
  • Halifax: Stormwater management guidelines
  • Winnipeg: Early adaptation of backwater valve bylaws and incentives
  • London: Disconnecting weeping tiles
  • Welland: Updated IDF curves to anticipate climate change
  • Stratford: Implementation of a 250-year stormwater management standard
  • Castlegar: Stormwater Infrastructure Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
  • Metro Vancouver: Replacement of combined sewers
  • Collingwood: Mandatory backwater valves in all new homes
  • Edmonton: Lot grading drainage by-law
  • Markham: By-Law to prohibit the construction of reverse slope driveways
  • Calgary: Rain gardens and swales in brownfields
  • Boucherville: Wet and dry retention ponds
The document also includes a section on best practices for a comprehensive strategy to reduce the risk of damage to homes from sewer backup and basement flooding. The strategy includes communication, local actions, and incentives for action for private property owners.
Full Text Word Count: 215
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