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Riparian Areas Regulation Guidebook for Local Government

Posting Date: November 1, 2017
Year Published: 2017
The guide outlines various implementation tools that local government may use to apply RAR. It provides information on what local government is required to do to meet the RAR and outlines legislative tools that can be used including: official community plans, development permit areas, zoning bylaws, subdivision, development approval and information bylaws, covenants and other regulation affecting land use. Non legislative tools are also identified that may be used to protect riparian areas such as information and education, watershed or stormwater management plans, parkland acquisition, tax incentives, and land owner agreements. The guide also lists enforcement tools available to local government.  Lastly, it provides information on the importance of large woody debris, watershed planning, stormwater management, wetlands and hazards as well as developing monitoring, enforcement and education strategies.
Full Text Word Count: 8402
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