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Water Sustainability and the City: Leveraging B.C.’s Water Sustainability Act in Support of Urban Watershed Management

Posting Date: April 6, 2018
Year Published: 2018
This report documents the findings of a survey of urban watershed practitioners in BC on: environmental challenges and pressures in their watersheds, existing tools to address them, and barriers to restoration of urban watershed health. It includes an introduction to urban watershed sustainability, an overview of watershed challenges in the literature and in BC, survey results, ideas for leveraging the recent Water Sustainability Act, and recommendations for improving urban watershed management. It also contains great appendices on: watershed sustainability, environmental toolkits and guides, and types of water plans in BC.
The report can be used by urban planners and watershed decision-makers to help identify the right tools and governance options to overcome barriers and improve the health of their watersheds.
Full Text Word Count: 9346
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