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Pulling the Levers: A Guide to Modelling and Mapping Ecological Connectivity

Posting Date: April 6, 2018
Year Published: 2018
This planning guide provides a process for modeling various types of connectivity, based on a simple, robust and standardized process originally developed for the Calgary region. It is targeted at local or regional government GIS staff and planners, people who hire GIS consultants, and those interested in the technical side of mapping and modelling connectivity. It is the technical companion guide to Connecting the Dots: A Guide to Using Ecological Connectivity Modelling in Municipal Planning.
Useful for modeling connectivity, the guide provides a straight forward five-step process, involving: 1) project scoping, 2) connectivity model inputs, 3) running the model, 4) refining model outputs, 5) model results and how to use them. Accessible language and practical advice throughout make this a good resource for teams working on ecological connectivity mapping.
Full Text Word Count: 9921
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