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The Green Buildings Guide: Tools for Local Government to Promote Site Sustainability

Posting Date: January 8, 2018
Year Published: 2018
The purpose of the guide is to increase green building uptake in British Columbia by providing a central resource to the suite of regulatory and policy tools available to local governments to support and promote green building design and practice. The guide provides background information, sample policies, and an outline of local government tools and regulation that can promote green building and expedite green building approvals. It also gives an overview of the three roles local government can fulfill in green building (regulators/policy makers, building owners, partnerships and education).
Regulations and policies to support green building design and practice fit within a local government’s broader strategy to find sustainable growth management strategies. Green building design and practice can reduce the footprint on air, land, water and energy resources at the site scale.
Full Text Word Count: 8949
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