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Soak It Up! Toolkit: 16 actions your municipality can take to reduce runoff and runoff pollution

Posting Date: January 8, 2018
Year Published: 2018
This toolkit outlines 16 actions municipalities can take to reduce runoff and runoff pollution, providing examples of what other communities are doing and insights from practitioners about what works, and what doesn’t. The actions range from community engagement and capacity building, to implementing green infrastructure on public property (green streets, alleys, and parks), requiring and incentivizing action in new development, supporting the urban forest and healthy soils, and strategies for retrofitting existing developed lands. A resources section provides links to background information as well.
The “Stormwater Scorecard” accompanies the toolkit, and allows users to conduct an in-depth analysis of their community’s existing policies, plans, and programs around green infrastructure and stormwater management. Anyone with an interest (decision-makers, stormwater managers, community groups, members of the public) can fill it out to evaluate what their community is doing, and what they could be doing, to reduce runoff and runoff pollution.
Full Text Word Count: 9152
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