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Green Legacies: A Donor’s Guide for BC

Posting Date: January 8, 2018
Year Published: 2018
The guide is intended for legal, financial, and professional advisors, whose clients wish to set up their personal legacies in support of conservation and ecological objectives.  This version updates a previous (2002) guide. It outlines changes to legislation pertaining to charitable giving, and includes a web edition where future updates will be posted, at www.ltabc.ca and on www.GiveGreenCanada.ca.
The guide outlines ten ways charitable giving can support nature, and the rationale for doing so.  It then catalogues the various types of giving possible in BC (e.g. current, deferred, or land/covenant gifts), and the considerations associated with each.  It also outlines Canada’s ecological gifts program.  Sample scenarios are included for reference.
Full Text Word Count: 10365
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