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Conserving Okanagan Wetlands: Local Government and Provincial Tools Workshop Report

Background Information, Best Practices, Biodiversity , Case Study, Checklist, Climate Change, Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Definitions, Development Permit Area, Ecosystem Services, Ecosystems, Ecosystems Services Assessment/Plan, Environment, Flood, Flow Charts, Green Infrastructure, Habitat, Habitat Stewardship or Restoration Plan, Land Use, Land Use Plan, Legislation, List of Resources, Mapping, Official Community Plan, Online Collaboration, Planning Tools, Regional Growth Strategy, Regulatory Bylaw, Sample Bylaw Language, Sample Goals/Objectives/Actions, Sample Plans/Policies/Strategies, Sensitive Ecosystems Protection Plan, Source Water Protection Plan, Standards, Stormwater/Rainwater, Stormwater/Rainwater Management Plan/Program, Water Management, Water Quality, Watershed Plan, Watersheds, Wetlands, Zoning Bylaw
Posting Date: January 24, 2018
Year Published: 2018
This document is the summary report for the "Conserving Okanagan Wetlands: Local Government and Provincial Tools" workshop held in November 2017.
The report:
  • provides an update on recent wetland conservation initiatives and activities in the Okanagan,
  • highlights the role of the provincial Water Sustainability Act in wetland protection,
  • identifies and shares best practices for local government tools for wetland conservation, and
  • includes ideas and strategies and opportunities to improve wetland conservation outcomes in the Okanagan.
Full Text Word Count: 10017
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