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Connecting the Dots: A Guide to Using Ecological Connectivity Modeling in Municipal Planning

Posting Date: April 6, 2018
Year Published: 2018
This planning guide is designed to help municipalities understand ecological connectivity, or “the state or effort of connecting the pieces of ecological systems” (e.g. wildlife corridors, park systems). It helps readers understand why ecological connectivity is important, the basics of modelling it, and different planning applications for it. The guide is specifically designed for municipal planners, councillors and staff who are trying to address ecological connectivity, who are not biologists, GIS Technicians, or data modellers. A companion guide, Pulling the Levers: A Guide to Modelling and Mapping Ecological Connectivity, is intended for those seeking more technical information.
Beyond its clear language and accessible approach, one of the most useful features of the guide is its Planner’s Connectivity Worksheets, which help planners to frame ecological connectivity planning dilemmas to better define with GIS technical staff what modelling is needed.
Full Text Word Count: 9016
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