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Constructed Wetlands for Stormwater Management: An Okanagan Guidebook

Posting Date: April 16, 2018
Year Published: 2018
The guidebook provides information to support local governments in designing and implementing constructed wetlands (CWs) for stormwater retention and water quality improvement through treatment. It includes information on:
  • water treatment mechanisms of CWs, with an emphasis on stormwater;
  • the unique biophysical and socio-community attributes of the Okanagan Basin that are relevant to CW design, and guidance on design to optimize CW performance in the Okanagan;
  • best practices for CW construction, operations, maintenance, and monitoring;
  • regulatory requirements of wetland establishment and maintenance, including environmental permits, Water Sustainability Act requirements, and other applicable regulations;
  • how to incorporate habitat enhancement in CW design, while recognizing that stormwater retention and water quality improvement are the primary purposes of CWs;
  • potential funding sources including grant options to support design and construction of CW projects; and
  • the role of CWs in contributing to the Okanagan region’s potential for ecosystem-based climate change adaptation.
Full Text Word Count: 9736
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