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A Guide to Green Choices: Ideas and Practical Advice for Land Use Decisions in British Columbia Communities

Publisher: Government of BC
Posting Date: December 31, 1969
Year Published: n.d.
The guide provides advice and guidance in making land use decisions as they relate to seven key issues: 
  1. Green settlement patterns
  2. Protection of natural features
  3. Integration of settlements with nature
  4. Economic vitality
  5. Transportation
  6. Social sustainability
  7. Local food systems
For each issue, the guide provides a rationale and objective, steps to take in planning for the specific issue, resources, tools, and examples from across BC, as well as walking the reader through sample scenarios to gain an understanding of how the suggested ideas could be implemented.
The guide was created to assist local governments to implement sustainability planning in an integrated fashion, and to take advantage of the many programs supporting this kind of work (a few of which are outlined in the introduction and on the project’s website). The guide is linked with the BC Climate Action Toolkit, in recognition of the role that land-use planning plays in climate change adaptation and mitigation. The guide underlines the important role that local governments have to play in planning for a sustainable future.
Full Text Word Count: 10101
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