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Finding the Nexus: Exploring Climate Change Adaptation and Biodiversity

Publisher: ICLEI Canada
Posting Date: January 1, 2012
Year Published: 2012
This document is part of the ICLEI’s Adaptation Nexus Series: Exploring Climate Change Adaptation Linkages. The Nexus series provides guidance and key information on how climate change adaptation can be linked to important municipal issues such as climate change mitigation, biodiversity, public health, water, urban planning and economic development. The nexuses provide examples of actions that have been taken at the local level to address multiple challenges facing local governments. The focus of these publications is to showcase the importance of integrated action on climate change, and help municipal staff understand how climate change adaptation is not exclusive from other key climate change impacts. The series highlights win-win scenarios by providing a detailed account of how to avoid mal-adaption based on examples from various local initiatives from within Canada and around the world.

This edition explores how biodiversity management is contributing to climate change adaptation at the municipal level. It provides an overview of the biodiversity and adaptation benefits of ecosystem services such as urban forests, wetlands, and greenspace.
Full Text Word Count: 3386
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