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Asset Management: Levels of Service Guide

Posting Date: March 10, 2020
Year Published: 2020
The Levels of Service Guide (“The Guide”) was developed by the Northwest Territories Association of Communities (NWTAC). The Guide is designed to help communities use the Levels of Service Template to create documents that are tailored to their local context. This Guide is part of a Toolkit of resources that have been developed to help communities build their capacity in asset management. The resources that make up this Toolkit include:
  • Asset Management Policy Template & Supporting Guide
  • Asset Management Plan Template, Inventory Template & Supporting Guide
  • Lifecycle Cost Workbooks (2) & Supporting Guides
  • Levels of Service Template & Supporting Guide (this document)
  • Playbook Worksheet, Annual Schedule Template & Supporting Guide
  • Smart Management Practices (5)
Each component is designed to be used together with the other components of the Toolkit, which can be found online at: www.nwtac.com
Full Text Word Count: 138
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