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Okanagan Indian Band - City of Vernon: Building and Strengthening Foundations - Pathways to Collaboration

Posting Date: September 9, 2019
Year Published: 2019
Pathway Overview

Located in B.C.’s Okanagan Valley, the City of Vernon is a major regional service centre and popular tourist destination. The Okanagan Indian Band (OKIB) is one of the eight-member First Nation communities of the Okanagan Nation Alliance whose members stretch across the Okanagan Valley and into the United States. Building on a foundation of partnership stemming from a Community to Community (C2C) forum in 2001, these two partners are now participating in the multi-year First Nation - Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI) program to improve economic prosperity for both communities through joint community economic development and land use planning. Anticipated key outcomes of this partnership include relationship building, community involvement and engagement, and opportunities to collaborate on land use planning and mutually beneficial community economic development initiatives, including joint tourism projects. 
Local Government(s):
Full Text Word Count: 1718
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