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2012 May - Introduction of a Good Neighbour Policy and Noise Bylaw to a recently incorporated municipality - Case Study

Posting Date: March 11, 2015
Year Published: 2015
Bill Beamish, Chief Administrative Officer, Village of Queen Charlotte
As a relatively newly incorporated community, this paper describes the process that the Village of Queen Charlotte undertook in July 2010 in developing and adopting a noise bylaw. The process in adopting the bylaw identifies the options that were considered, the challenges of adopting a noise bylaw in a newly incorporated area, how noise complaints would be handled by the Village, the degree of enforcement that would be considered by the RCMP and the responsibility of the complainant. In addition to the draft bylaw, two associated Council Policies dealing with consultation on enforcement were prepared. Extensive community consultation on the draft bylaw and Policies was undertaken and in April 2011 the bylaw was adopted.
Local Government(s):
Full Text Word Count: 9225
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