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ALC Bylaw Reviews: A Guide for Local Governments

Posting Date: January 1, 2018
Year Published: 2018
The Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) published this resource for staff of local governments with land in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR).The guide provides straightforward information to support local government land use planning and bylaw development in the ALR, including:
  • Local governments’ roles and responsibilities in regulating land uses in the ALR;
  • How to ensure new or amended plans and bylaws affecting the ALR are consistent with the ALC Act, the ALR Regulation, and the Local Government Act; and,
  • The process by which ALC staff and/or Commissioners review and endorse local government plans and policies affecting the ALR.

This is a living document that may be updated when legislative or procedural changes occur that affect the ALR and/or ALC, so check for updates periodically
Full Text Word Count: 5799
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