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Burnaby Village Museum limits use of 1920s settler costumes in effort to decolonize

Publisher: CBC News
Posting Date: May 8, 2022
Year Published: 2022

As the Burnaby Village Museum celebrates its 50th anniversary, the museum is taking a closer look at their use of historical costumes in an effort to decolonize their collection and activities.

Nicole Preissl, the Indigenous education programmer at the museum, says starting Saturday, May 7, staff in educational roles — those providing school tours and teaching on other historical information — will no longer be wearing 1920s settler costumes...

Preissl, who is a member of the Sto:lo and Leq'a:mel First Nation, says she never saw her culture and people reflected in any museum. It is something she hopes to change not only for future school children, but also for elders, Indigenous community members and people of colour...

Museums across the province have been taking steps to undo their part in erasing Indigenous history. Last year, the Royal B.C. Museum in Victoria announced it would be closing sections of the First People's gallery in order to work with Indigenous people to appropriately repatriate and conserve certain items.

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