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Keeping Nature in Our Future: A Biodiversity Strategy for the Okanagan Region

Posting Date: November 1, 2017
Year Published: 2017
The strategy provides the necessary information to ensure that stewardship of the natural environment is considered in all decisions on urban, rural, resource and recreational decisions. The information is intended as guidance and a tool for local and senior governments on the maintenance of biodiversity through mapping and future strategic directions. Strategic directions are related to: land use and crown land use planning and development; financing biodiversity conservation; science and information; incentives for private land owners; Provincial legislation and policy; partnerships, collaboration and communications.
The strategy identifies:
·         why to conserve and restore conservation areas
·         which areas should be protected or restored
·         who can contribute
·         how and when conservation and enhancement can be achieved
·         the role of natural areas in protecting regional biodiversity
The strategy provides a plan for protecting the health and resilience of natural areas and a strategy for decision makers and citizens to work together to enhance and preserve the natural legacy of the region. Background information is provided on biodiversity that would be useful in communicating the importance of biodiversity conservation.
The strategy includes an analysis and maps on: conservation rankings; relative biodiversity (hotspots); connections between natural areas; and land ownership patterns. The mapping is of specific use in identification of development permit areas for the protection of nature and biodiversity and in the assessment of development proposals.
Full Text Word Count: 7797
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