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ReTooling for Climate Change

Posting Date: January 8, 2018
Year Published: 2018
This web resource is a portal to link local governments, First Nations, and natural resource stakeholders to climate change adaptation tools and resources, to help them adapt to the changing conditions ahead. An introductory section provides an introduction to climate change and its impacts, and a brief overview of the difference between adaptation and mitigation. 
An extensive searchable “Adaptation Resources” is included. The section includes case studies, projects, toolkits and guides, tools like calculators, and project and research reports, arranged by the following topics:
  • Water management
  • Coastal management
  • Hazard management
  • Infrastructure
  • Agriculture
  • Environmentally Sensitive Areas
  • Forests and Forestry
  • Mining
A “Community Adaptation” section outlines adaptation planning, provides BC case studies, and for communities seeking funding support for adaptation projects, an “Adaptation Support” section summarizes supporting organizations and funding sources.
A “ReTooling Essentials” section provides a curated list of resources for those with little time. A “News and Events” section provides info on recent adaptation-related events, and a series of archived adaptation webinars are also available to view.  Site visitors can also sign-up for a quarterly adaptation newsletter or suggest new tools to the project team.
Full Text Word Count: 773
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