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Comprehensive Drinking Water Source to Tap Assessment Guidelines

Posting Date: January 31, 2018
Year Published: 2018
This guideline fulfills the need for a water source or system assessment that can be ordered by a drinking water officer when significant risks are identified for a water system through the self‐screening tool or by some other means.  In addition to  fulfilling a regulatory requirement, this guideline serves as a tool for water systems to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the risks to drinking water safety and availability, how to operate more effectively, and how to ensure the best possible water quality and assured quantity.
The guide is presented as an introduction and series of eight modules:
  • Module 1) Delineate and characterize drinking water source(s)
  • Module 2) Conduct contaminant source inventory
  • Module 3) Assess water supply elements
  • Module 4) Evaluate water system management, operation and maintenance
  • Module 5) Audit water quality and availability
  • Module 6) Review financial capacity and governance of water system
  • Module 7) Characterize risks from source to tap
  • Module 8) Recommend actions to improve drinking water protection
The introduction includes an overview of source to tap assessments, when they are necessary, as well as the assessment process itself, and instructions for using the modules. It includes considerations for smaller water systems, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, and information that must be included in the final report.

Each module includes the following components:
  • Drinking water protection barriers and supporting mechanisms assessed 
  • Required qualifications of the assessment  team
  • Guidance on how to undertake assessment components
  • Guidance on assessment documentation and reporting
  • An overview of the assessment components, recommended methods, scope, documentation and reporting requirements 
  • Recommended assessment resources
Full Text Word Count: 8651
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