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Underground Stormwater Infiltration: Best Practices for Protection of Groundwater Resources in BC

Posting Date: January 8, 2018
Year Published: 2018
In the last two decades, local governments have embraced on-site stormwater management techniques to better steward stormwater as a resource and allow natural recharge of aquifers. Two main techniques have been employed; surface infiltration and underground infiltration. The increased use of underground infiltration in particular has led to concerns about aquifer contamination. This guide aims to protect aquifers by reducing risks of groundwater contamination from underground stormwater infiltration systems. To do this, the guide provides background information on common stormwater management practices, and outlines the regulatory context. It catalogues the risks to groundwater that can occur as a result of poor stormwater management, and outlines best practices for underground stormwater infiltration.  A resources section provides links to relevant legislation, and guidance documents in Canada and the US.
Full Text Word Count: 8529
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