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November 13, 2024
8:30 am - 4:30 pm PST

Innovative Budgeting Techniques

Government Finance Officers Association of British Columbia

Local governments are experiencing an increased need to look at their budgeting processes to improve efficiency, provide more meaningful information, and have the tools to navigate complex budgeting situations. This one-day workshop will examine knowledge and techniques critical to preparing local government budgets across BC and will offer an overview of budget development processes, including best practices (and techniques) necessary for effective budgeting. 


  • Gain knowledge of best practices for engaging departments during the budget-building process.
  • Gain knowledge of what's important and what's not necessary to include in a budget.
  • Learn to tackle unusual budgeting situations.
  • Learn public budget communication best practices. 
  • Understanding that “buy-in” (and support) from Council is possible with effective communication.
  • Opportunity for peer learning and networking with colleagues from other GFOABC member governments.
[email protected]

Event Type: Webinar
Location: Vancouver, BC
Region: Lower Mainland
Accredited: No
Certificate Provided: No
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